
Reformed and Presbyterian Seminary sees Nepali communities flourishing in the fruits of the gospel through the labor of disciples who are yoked to Christ.


We exist to provide Christ-centered training to equip godly leaders for Christ’s church among Nepali people who are authentic in Christian character, competent in theological knowledge, and equipped for ministry.


We want to Glorify God through upholding these values:

  1. Reformed world and life-view: We value the Reformed worldview in that all of life and the world belongs to God, therefore must be reclaimed back to the Lordship of Christ.
  2. Christ-Centered Education: We value theological education par excellence is centered in Christ, His words and thoughts for his church and his kingdom.
  3. Missionary spirit and zeal: We value the missionary nature of God, incarnation of Christ is to bless us through his word and spirit and send us out to bless our neighbors wherever God places us.
  4. Gospel Transforming Community: We value the knowledge and spiritual practices must bring transformation in a person’s life, therefore causes effect to transform whole community born with gospel fruits.
  5. Nurturing with Nepali Resources: We value that God made us and loves us in Nepal, appointed us stewards, therefore wants us to be dignified people faithful with the resources entrusted to us inherited, earned as well as gifts from others.
  6. Network of Christian leaders: We value our relationships with the churches and pastors who make our board, teach, mentor students over internships are essential to create future leaders.
  7. Covenant Spirituality: We value spiritual exercise that is formed in personal individual levels and equally in communities who are called into covenant relationship with God.
  8. Servant Leadership: We value Christ like shepherding leadership committed to self-denial in order to see others built up.
  9. Holistic Human Development: We value that a person under training for ministry is a complex being, thus in need of love and nurturing in all aspects of their being, physical, spiritual, emotional, etc..
  10. Training for Vocational Ministry: We value Christian ministry as calling and covenant duties uniquely entrusted by God through spiritual gifts.