Why RPS?

Why RPS?

For Reformed and Presbyterian Seminary (RPS), this crucial demand is met through an extensive, intensive theological training. Our programs aim at developing in students deep knowledge of the Bible, as well as profound roots into Reformed doctrine. In order to produce graduates who are competent to lead effectively, while engaging intelligently and sensitively with their societies, RPS instills critical thinking skills, encourages spiritual maturation process, cultivates practical ministry abilities among the students.

आराधना अभ्यास र सैद्धान्तिक शिक्षाका बिच अन्तरसम्बन्ध

आराधनाले परमेश्वरलाई अर्पण गरिएको श्रद्धापूर्ण भक्ति, प्रशंसा र उपासनामय सेवा तथा कार्यहरूलाई बुझाउँदछ (युहन्ना ४:२३-२४) । यसमा प्रेम, कृतज्ञता र ईश्वरप्रति अभिव्यक्त गर्ने समर्पणताका कुराहरू समावेश हुनुपर्दछ । इसाई आराधनामा भक्तिपूर्ण भजन-गीत, प्रार्थना, वचन प्रचार र प्रभुभोज र बप्तिस्माजस्ता पवित्र…

Christian Education

Christian Education

Christian education is important within women’s, children’s, and youth ministries as it equips leaders to significantly impact faith formation and spiritual growth across multiple contexts. In women’s ministry, Christian education provides a foundation through which these leaders may serve as mentors, teachers, and role models, contributing to a community where women can process and develop their faith, as well as discover and use their spiritual gifts. Leaders within children’s ministry who have been given a solid Christian education are able to develop engaging age-appropriate programs that are Biblically sound and help children lay a solid foundation in their faith. Within youth ministry, having gained a foundational education in scripture and theological studies, leaders can help direct the conversations around how all of these things tie together.

Church Music

Church Music

Church music plays a crucial role in preparing students for effective ministry and worship leadership. We provide church music students with comprehensive training in guitar, piano, vocal, and music theory, through which students have the opportunity to develop their technical skills, as well as the ability to integrate their skills into a worship setting and enhance the worship experience. This kind of training enables students to be proficient musicians. Both competent and spirit-filled worship leaders are the desired outcome. As students increase their understanding of the role of music in worship, their ability to provide valuable ministry in a church context is enhanced.

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life

Given the seminary’s commitment to preparing spiritual leaders, providing a supportive environment for spiritual formation is one of our top priorities. It is indeed critically important to the seminary as a community of believers. This context is essential to the seminary’s mission to give those entering the ministry a place to grow and develop personally and professionally.

Faculty and Academic Excellence

Faculty and Academic Excellence

The importance of having trained and exceptional faculty active in the local church ministry cannot be overemphasized when it comes to achieving academic excellence. All of our faculty members have received academic training both nationally and internationally, and they are also actively involved in various capacities with the ministry of a local church. Our faculty members bring a unique combination of expertise that ensures both theological soundness and practical relevance in our teaching. This is an important step in building bridges between academic theory and ministry practice. Faculty members bring a breadth of experience and perspective into the learning environment, creating holistic educational opportunities for students that prepare them for effective and transformative ministry in Nepal.

Library Resources and Services

Library Resources and Services

The library is a premier resource for our seminary community, offering services and resources that serve the academic and spiritual formation of our students and faculty. Our library is a resource-rich learning environment that has a well-curated and extensive theological collection, including scholarly journals and digital resources that support the integration of theological learning throughout the curriculum and research interests. The RPS provides services to the community through research assistance, interlibrary loan requests, and quiet study spaces to assist with the academic process. The library continues to intentionally resource build in support of the needs of our community.